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The innovation knowledge study tour seeks to enhance research, innovation, and commercialization of the same through new learnings, knowledge exchange, partnerships,  collaboration, professional linkages, and networking. Embedded within the innovation study is the Opolo innovation and commercialization network which is intended to facilitate peer learning and dissemination of knowledge learned. The aim of the Study tour is to bring researchers, innovators and stakeholders together to identify shared problems and solutions; use the same knowledge to design common research and innovation system products, practices, and policies that will be useful to all; experiment with these designs in their institutions and organizations to determine their applicability; and then use this experience to inform national and global decision-making.


The goals of the tour are to:

  • Bring innovators and researchers together to identify shared problems and solutions. It has been designed to enable Nigerian researchers and innovators learn from projects from the host institutions that have made accomplishments with regards to frontier and emerging technologies and trends.
  • Promote the fostering of professional relationships between tour participants and host institutions.
  • Use knowledge gained to design research and innovation system products, practices and policies.
  • Experiment with these designs to determine their applicability.
  • Use this experience to inform national and global decision-making.


Host Institutions

In line with the underlying tenets of the Innovation Knowledge study tour of strong research and collaboration. Opolo partner universities across the globe will be the hosts for the innovation tour.


  1. Carleton University
  2. Toronto Metropolitan University
  3. University of Toronto
  4. University of Waterloo

United Kingdom

  1. University of Edinburgh
  2. London School of Economics
  3. Oxford University
  4. Oxford Brookes University

South Africa

  1. University of Witwatersrand
  2. University of Capetown
  3. Stellenbosch University


  1. Strathmore University
  2. University of Nairobi



The following outcomes are expected:

  1. Participants will learn from the hosts’ team addressing similar issues, they will identify important lessons and good practices that can be applied to their improvement efforts in their organizations/ institutions.
  2. Participants will develop follow-on plans for utilizing what has been learned through simple workable actions plans.
  3. Study visit participants will share what has been learned at hosts’ locations with the wider innovation community through the various networking platforms;
  4. A collective participant report of the study visit will highlight key learning points; and
  5. Professional linkages will be fostered through the study visit.