Skilling Revolutionary Innovators to Build Enterprise Programme


The implication of Nigeria’s youthful population of 76% is that the future of the country hangs on the knowledge and skill of the demography to provide talents that deliver solutions for consumers of innovation services. In this regard, it is essential that this population is equipped with the relevant skills, such as technical and digital skills that will prepare them for the now and future of work and empower them to live successfully in a fast-evolving world. Opolo Global recognizes the importance of digital transformation, which is key to achieving Nigeria’s digital and innovation goals has developed the SkRIBE program aimed at empowering talents to become innovators through strategic skilling to create direct and indirect employment opportunities and develop innovations that will positively impact Nigeria and Africa’s economy. SkRIBE symbolizes the collective goal of the entrepreneurship and innovation community focused on positioning Nigeria as an innovation foundry. SkRIBE offers innovation-focused programs designed to incubate talents to become the highest potential entrepreneurs who will build more unicorns out of Nigeria.


SkRIBE is designed to enable opportunities; provide access and supports for talents to get skilled, innovate, and thrive; promote digital inclusion, with special focus on female and persons in underserved communities; and increase youths earning potential



SkRIBE is a 300-hour cohort-based intensive incubation capacity-building program aimed at incubating fifty thousand “50,000” digital natives and enthusiasts over a period of time, across the 6 geopolitical zones of Nigeria. This group of individuals will be skilled and empowered on low and mid-code digital skills, with a primary focus on Digital Media Management, Data Science & Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Network, and information Security (Cybersecurity), Web and mobile Development, Product Design & Management, Blockchain, Robotics, and STEMI education. Each cohort is expected to create solutions that meet the needs of local and global businesses.



  • Secondary school students
  • Post-secondary school students
  • Undergraduates
  • Graduates